Friday, January 27, 2017

Sherri Papini. The Super Mom Saga Part 2


Again, I will edit or retract this blog post as evidence is proven, or LE announces suspects.

When Keith Papini sat down for the 20/20 interview that aired on December 2, 2016, it had been 8 days since Sherri Papini was found. She had been back since Thanksgiving Day, Thursday November 24, 2016, after being gone 22 days. 22 days gone from her husband, her son, her daughter, her family, her home. Luckily KP was able to gather a large A-Team support group of family, close friends, private detectives, hostage negotiators, and found comfort with good ol family friend, Lisa Jeter, LJ, who SP used to babysit for, and who facilitated so much help with this case.

  If you’ve ever had to be away from your family, you know the turmoil that goes on in your mind and heart not knowing what’s happening at home. Most moms would be worried about the dad and kids. Did he turn off the oven? I hope he remembered to pack extra diapers. Oh no, what if one is sick, I hope he knows which one gets which medicine. They’re probably eating cereal for dinner, pfffft.

In all whole hearted honesty, these are things I would wonder about my old man and the kids. “Let me guess. Nobody did the dishes right?!” I mean, every mom has sworn at one time or another, “Just watch. One of these days, I’m gonna GO ON STRIKE, AND YOU'RE GOING TO DO IT ALLLLLL!!!!”
Ok, I should maybe go talk to someone about that, but anyway Sherri went and got herself gone, girl. #knowwhatimsayingirlfriend.

But this element had a twist, Keith didn’t know where she was, or so the polygraph said, and if she was on strike, he probably wasn’t anticipating how long she was going to be gone, or he was aware, and just gave his son hopeful advice. He passed a polygraph. He willingly gave up all phones, laptops, electronics, (that the Sheriff knows of, I mean, even I have a phone I don’t tell anybody about, until now) and if he had anything to hide, maybe he was smart enough to not leave a trace, or she may have had something to hide, and didn’t think it would get this far, or everyone is innocent and she really got kidnapped and then returned for free. Shit, come to think of it, I’d be hella embarrassed if I was a kidnap re-ject and they didn’t even take the money, and just tossed my ass out. “Fuck the money, give that bitch back!”

At least they made sure she was in ‘treat and release’ condition, and not dehydrated, or injured. But, she wasn’t on vacation…that we know of.  KP was able to tell us a little about it; in fact as he tells the story on 20/20 (thinking back to the GMA statement too); I completely forget that she’s back already. His story is so compelling! His story about everything that he saw and heard and did up to, and during her disappearance was told, including after she came back as well.

Here’s where I just don’t get why he said certain things, at this timeline in the story. The one statement that he made regarding not knowing how Sherri had been abducted, (in fact everything he said about her time gone that he didn’t know about) but was sure it was because maybe they asked for directions or was having car trouble, and Sherri was just being nice, because there’s no way that she would walk up to 2 strange guys in masks, and …….. Hold on. This is an interview that he is doing AFTER she is back. WHY is he speculating as to HOW she was abducted? DIDN’T HE ASK HER?! Why is he giving us possible reasons HOW she was kidnapped?

Why is he throwing out theories when she’s obviously right here! She’s back!


Since it appears to be a hoax, and it’s probably all Keith’s fault, then he’s going to talk about how it all affected him. He talks about him, and how she looked disgusted him. He doesn’t talk about anything personal on Sherri’s behalf. No statement from her.

****This 2nd part of The Saga will be focusing on various parts of the story, some more details about players in the game, along with new information that has come to my attention.
DON’T FORGET TO SCROLL ALL THE WAY TO THE END. I am working on at least 1 more part and I can hear everyone now editing, making sure that they said alleged and rumored.
(Makes note to self to go check Part 1. Will probably procrastinate)****

              Cameron Gamble CG, the Kidnapping International Man of Mystery, but with better teeth, is responsible for threatening kidnappers on YouTube and getting Sherri home safely without ever paying a dime. OR ELSE. That works! Way to go!! You should start a business where you do that full time! Most people are doing ok financially when they start a not-for-profit company, not the kind of ‘ok financially’ to file bankruptcy the next year. He has claimed to train tens of thousands of people in his training sessions.  
               Has ANYONE ever heard of him outside of Redding? Is there any testimony of the many people he has saved from trafficking?

               Christine Everson – The woman who thought she saw her near Redding a few days before she was released in Woodland. She claims to have told the woman she looked like the one missing. Does she need help? She could help with her escape by going into the restroom. Just say the word, and she’ll help, especially since she helps victims of sex trafficking, and her husband is wondering why she’s not minding her own business. Aiding trafficked victims means you’re putting your nose in other people’s business, by stepping in and saving lives. I guess her husband saw it differently. She didn’t help her escape, but she did leave, and then call 911. If that wasn’t Sherri, I sure hope she’s ok.
               CG and CE both go to Bethel church. They both work in aiding victims of human trafficking, but don’t know each other. They should be a team.

Rod Rodriguez III, Keith step dad. He has been an active spokesperson of the Papini family on various online platforms, news articles, and random story tellers and bloggers like me. There seems to be a sincere closeness with everyone, as is reported that KP’s kids go there for grandparent family time. The children seem to have a lot of people in their life that love them and protect them. They are going to need it. This case is likely to cause some issues later, but at least they are young enough to probably not remember much. I wish no ill will on anyone involved directly or indirectly.
It was rumored that KP and SP had a fb page, and was friends with the family but there is none that exist now, and since KP stated on 20/20 that they were private and didn’t do SM, (Except maybe FB, Twitter, Poshmark, Mercari, Photobucket, Pinterest, etc) I find it odd that I had to download a few apps on my phone in order to find out that half these accounts either he deleted, or she did when she got back. Regardless, KP mom Kathleen Papini and step dad Rod do not appear to be the type of people that would be involved in a scandalous hoax. Most people who are mature, have established businesses and roots, and an ounce of common sense wouldn’t want to be seen in bad light, as the kind that has been brought on by Sherri being possibly abducted.

 When I said indirectly, it’s just that, indirectly. Sometimes people are involved, and sometimes you’re just drug into it.
Let’s say your neighbor is suddenly involved in a high profile murder and your home is under a microscope, but after a while it’s not all about what’s going on next door, the media is bored and suddenly wants to focus on you and that your hair has been in the same bun for 2 days, or that your kids are dirty, or you have expired tags on your car, and whether you like it or not people are all up in your face and dissecting your life!

Unfortunately, there are so many skeptics regarding this entire ordeal, that one strives to find the words needed to let bullies know that they are people, just like you and me, and when tragedy strikes, none of us can sit back and say “I have nothing to hide. There’s nothing I did 20 years ago that would come back and bite me now. One thing has nothing to do with the other.”

No. Your dirty laundry is aired. It’s aired, pee stains and all. It’s happened to me, and you just gotta roll with it.

Let me tell you just how related a story of “I was kidnapped and beaten by my ex!” is. This is a rumor that she told while living in Redding, in San Ramon, in Huntington Beach, and everywhere in between and back to Redding, she had an ex that ‘beat and kidnapped’ her. Now if this true, then this has happened at least 4 times now, this one being the obvious longest and most publicized. But Redding is where CG and LJ made this all they could be.

The very sad and ironic event that unfolded not far from (the exact point of abduction is not known yet of SP) where she supposedly went missing, was a girl by the name of Tera Smith. On August 22, 1998 at the age of 16 she, who in that same area, down the road where KP was living in his childhood home, as a young teen around the same age, disappeared and has not come home.

So many young women didn’t come home. Families everywhere are waiting for their loved one to come home.
I don’t know the kind of strength and will, these moms and dads have to have, in order to fight through the depths of grief and despair, for these families to carry on, sometimes becoming a beacon in the night for those others that are missing.  

Much love to all those with a heavy heart due to not knowing where your child is.

On that day in November that Sherri went missing, Keith’s sister Suzanne Papini texted around 4pm to ask why the phones were out for 3 hours. What happened? Why were the phones not on? Was there a service problem? Did his sister call his house phone and ask Sherri if her cell was out too? Was Sherri there? Did anyone else notice that the phones weren’t working? Did anyone request the phones be off, or was this a general maintenance issue?

               That time frame would put the phones being off by at least 1. BUT ISN’T THAT DURING THE TIME KEITH CHECKED HIS PHONE AND FOUND SHERRI TEXTED AT 10:37? Was his phone in his car, and he never looked at it once all day from 7-4? AND WHY does he insist she went jogging at 11? Did she usually go after dropping the kids off? How long did the kids usually stay on Wednesdays or every 2nd of the month? Was it PT every day, or PT a few full days of the week?

When did she start jogging, and what was her normal route?

KP went to phone service store after work. What time would he normally have gotten home? Since his sister was able to text at 4, why didn’t Keith reply to Sherri? Why didn’t he try getting a hold of her on the way home? Did he contact his sister and tell her the phones were working, and has anyone heard from Sherri? Was he worried at the phone store when he couldn’t reach her, or had he not texted back or tried calling once all day? Was that normal? Don’t fairy tale love couples return each other’s texts? Was coming home at 5:50pm normal otherwise? Wasn’t he trying to get a hold of Sherri already?!

How much money total in donations did the family receive, not including the 50K in GFM?

               Sherri’s Past

Sherri graduated in 2001 and moved around to various cities, before returning to Redding in 2006, where it’s possible that one of these kidnappings occurred in 2006 around the time she may have gotten back in contact with Keith from years earlier. Did they not know each other their entire teen years, where that first kiss could have been rekindled?

She married David Dreyfus, a man in the military, and not around long enough to know that Sherri never took his name, or even told people she was married, even friends, boyfriends, maybe future husbands. Some things stay buried, until they get dug up by the media.

Dated other men, and married David in the 01-05 years.
Possible kidnapping in 2006 based on rumors from extended family
With Keith in 2006
Divorce to David Final in 2007
Engagement to Keith in 2008
Married 10/10/09.  

They had just had their 7 year wedding anniversary less than a month before disappearing. The infamous itch. I had that 7 year itch once. I scratched real real hard, and 220 pounds finally fell off.
Some other female is scratching it now. Good riddance.

Another added clue, no one knew SP had texted KP until KP let everyone know. But then admits that he ignored it, and they had no communication, but he is certain when she went jogging, and certain that she was abducted, and concludes this faster than a 3 year old can say ‘What’s that?’. Why tell people you ignored call? What’s normal, you go home or don’t, or it’s a tossup, or you never see your personal phone until you get off work? You want to let people know that she was around then, and THEN went jogging, or to let people know that she was texting him, and their fairy tale wasn’t so fairy, because he wanted it known that he was ignoring her texts. But doesn’t say he couldn’t text her back because the phones were out. Get your story straight dude.

WHY is there a police report with Lisa Jeter stating that she saw her at the mall? She has not denied or verified that. But it also set a time for when SP WASN’T missing. LJ made a lot of family statements, but neither KP nor anyone in family has yet to thank her. All the various sightings that day, the neighbors who drove by in the morning by the mailboxes that saw her wearing a certain type of clothing, and city workers, and no statements verifying or denying anything. Times don’t match. Sightings don’t match. Clothing spotted in doesn’t match. Places in town at specific times don’t correlate with the story that KP is hearing, and telling. (Part #3 may focus on timeline, evidence, and police call logs and reports.)

Sherri’s dad Richard Graeff, who’s Facebook, says lives in Redding, and his wife Loretta Graeff have managed AJ’s Mini Storage for years. This facility was quickly ruled out as having anything to do with her disappearance, which I assume can be easily done by opening every single storage and checking inside and examining hours of video surveillance. They were on top of that one.

His Facebook profile picture is of him, Sherri and sister Sheila. The sister has her hands folded on dad’s leg. Sherri is mildly leaning in. There’s something about the dad that gives me an off feeling.

The charlatans that come out, the cons, snakes, and magic makers, and potion healers and psychic charmers are a plenty ----whenever there is a hoax or kidnapping, or child disappeared, if no truth, or leads happens soon, then the opportunists comes out. They can guide you to the place that your mind wants you to go, the place with answers, where you’ll hear what you long to hear, whether it’s true or not. They have special abilities that the police don’t have. THEY can help you.

They just need a little money first for their special powers to work. And then magical miracles will rain down on you.

With Keith and Sherri, no one is going to admit that they are staying with them in privacy and now that the GoFundMe is down, I imagine donations are coming in the form of cash, in hand. They aren’t home, which thankfully doesn’t have a huge mortgage, since not everyone has the luxury of just moving or not coming home. And what about the kids? All their toys, their special things, are they on vacation? Do the kids even know what’s going on? Mommy was gone for 3 weeks, and now they are someone where else that isn’t home, going on 2 months now. Thank goodness that they weren’t in school, or that they were older and understood, or that they don’t have a house that’s going to foreclose if they don’t pay a bunch of money.

KENNETH PAPINI – Keith’s dad. I haven’t heard a lot about him, but after making a successful business name for himself, he seems to want as little to do with any fiasco as possible. I don’t have a lot of information on this individual yet. With all the fast cars and boats and helicopters and planes that everyone has on their profile, I’m sure this man has some cool hobby or invention that might be worth a Google. 
There was a fake Twitter account for KP and SP that got shut down. Lisa Jeter Twitter account is still up, and locked now. Doesn’t seem like a troll, when trolls usually want attention. They will give out false information just to watch people squirm with excitement and laugh at the confusion and pandemonium that sets in. Pathetic. They don’t care about the truth; they care about the attention, which makes them no different than the narcissist attention seeking compulsive liars that were all trying to make heads or tails of already! Trolls like to lead people on by saying they’re an insider (which they could be) and have juicy inside gossip (which they may have) and then might not get them verified, or they get scared, or their bullshit sets off everyone’s meter and poof, a Vetted Insider disappears. Hmmmm.

This has brought a lot of the family and friends from both sides together online, even if some of them are distant in real life, or on opposite sides of the fence with Sherri’s story, causing distance and mistrust.  

Some searchers have said that LE and volunteers were sometimes scattered. They didn’t have much to go on, and how far and how long do they keep looking, and in what direction? How much direction did LE give during the searches? How long did they search, for how many hours, of how many days a week?

I understand that after KP gave that statement to Good Morning America, a mere few days after home, which sounds more like Sherri’s insisting that he go tell the world about her, and the Sheriff was pretty upset that Keith revealed things that he obviously said would hinder the investigation. Is he dense, or did he do that on purpose?

On the day that SP was near I-5 waving down motorists, Allison Sutton was on trip up to the Pacific North West, and she just happened to be on I-5 right then, at that time, on Thanksgiving Day, to see a helpless woman waving something along the side of the freeway, in a desperate attempt to hide her chain gang paraphernalia, and hope to God that someone stops and rescues her, which someone does, and that person isn’t saying much either. I think I’d still be a little nervous of the people who stopped. What if a rapist was the first person to stop and help her? That’s some shitty luck.
Allison is the woman who thought she saw someone with long blonde hair. Short, medium, long, who knows. But if it wasn’t Sherri, I hope that woman got help.

Most of KP speech in 20/20 seemed rehearsed, and for obvious opinionated reasons, I believe certain elements of the interview were cut, such as KP saying he texted and called first before trying to track her app. There were probably several hours that the production crew and interviewer spent getting information, but how they chose to report it, is how journalism works.

                   CG doesn’t believe this is a hoax or scam….because that would imply he was duped, and got famous for it, and is a big fat lying doo doo head. I’m not sure we needed 47 videos, facebook pages, groups, websites, twitter accounts, hashtags, video blogs, and interviews to prove that he is an all powerful sex traffic victim helper and savior of mankind using his Kidnapper Whisperer tricks.

How does the guy ever manage to get work done? I don’t know how Jen Gamble manages to home school with 5 kids, run a ranch/farm, a Beach Body biz, and all the stuff that comes along with her own hobbies and most likely CG’s full time secretary. Working overtime putting out fires all over the interwebs because of her husband, but it was probably a nice few week Christmas break from teaching, and not having much to do.


               Rumors. Rumors are what this, that, and every story or conversation is started. ‘’Guess what I heard about Mom?!” or “I got a raise at work!” or even “I’m pregnant.” These are sentences with great power, entrusted to the person they’re talking to, that this is a private conversation, that sentences can’t get repeated, that stories can’t get embellished, that details just don’t seem to have enough detail, and before you know it, you’re spreading rumors, just like I’m typing right now.

Old school way of thinking is ‘Don’t believe anything you read and only half of what you see’. The logical reasoning behind that is that you shouldn’t believe anything you learn in school, nor should you believe the very sentence that itself is written.

 Rumors, just as much as kidnappings, murders and violent crimes, are usually about love, jealousy, greed or sex. I’m not sure which one she was released by, or decided to come home over. Was there a message in the news reports? Was there a coded phrase that meant do a certain thing, like change location, or be found at this spot on this day? When she found, the officer told her Happy Thanksgiving, and she said ‘Oh, it’s Thanksgiving night?” Maybe you couldn’t tell the sun was about to come up, or maybe she didn’t know what day of the week it was let alone the calendar date, but it seemed that to verify right away that she was indeed back on the day Keith promised was something she was assured of when found. It was Thanksgiving Day.

Was thanksgiving going to be at his house, and he needed to get up early to shave the turkey? Lame story. Was he up every day at 4 those whole 3 weeks, hoping for a phone call? Wasn’t he always waiting for a phone call? Was his A-team gone that day?  


So back in mid-November after CG was brought on board, by the family friend, who is the self entitled spokesperson, he is getting the ‘’50k Wire Transfer’’ going to make good on the letter he put on a website, letting the kidnappers know that there was a reward for Sherri’s safe return.

When she wasn’t returned, he upped the ante by publishing another video, days later, this time telling the kidnappers that this was a 6 figure amount based on the capture of the kidnappers.

It’s not even known yet if Sherri is alive, and he is offering money to find her abductors.

CG states that 50K came from the Anonymous Donor and the other 50K is from the GoFundMe account, and it was given to him on Nov 23rd. IF KEITH GAVE CG 50K ON NOV23RD, THEN HE HAD TO HAVE REQUESTED IT NO LATER THAN THE 21ST, BUT MOST LIKELY AS FAR BACK AS THE WEDNESDAY BEFORE WHICH WAS NOV 16TH. CG never said that KP had withdrawn the money several days in advance considering that GFM policy is: Upon request of funds, the entire available balance is sent. You can’t pick an amount.

GFM takes 2-5 business days for deposit, and possibly a few more days for your bank to verify funds, or 7-10 days for a paper check. When requesting a deposit, it automatically sends you the full amount available.

So that means that ON Nov 23rd, the day CG told the AMA in Reddit, that KP gave him 50k from the GFM, that it hadn’t been requested prior, and since he would have had to, chances are that there wasn’t 50K yet. For 2-5 business days prior to being guaranteed deposit by Nov 23rd, KP would have had to request the funds no later than Wednesday, November 16th, to have no later than 5 business days later, the 23rd. The GFM account wasn’t AT 50K YET. And per CG anyway, they never had any plans on spending the money. That’s obvious when you can’t even back up a lie about that very thing. Nov 16th is when they met, but he never said he told KP to pull the funds. LIARS

Family stated 25% of it was used on a PI. That may cover a PI’s expenses for a few weeks, to a few months max, unless any work after that is Pro Bono.

SP and her family’s sighting was nearly 6 weeks to the day. Any bruises and ouchies were cleared up, and not visible with a high powered lens from far away, on a cloudy day.  

This story has found its way the bottom of the urgent pile due to lack of solid evidence, and abundance of things that don’t make sense, possible addiction, eating disorder, and even more so now, extra counseling for PTSD and any other mental health issues she may be dealing with. I hope she receives them all.

According to her Wedding blog, Keith moved in with her in 2006 after she moved back to Redding, during another possible kidnapping rumor in 2006, and survived to go on and marry Keith a few years later.
According to people that were close to her, Sherri has exhibited the same type of characteristics, personality, and lying habits, that everyone said she was every where she lived. If this is true, she has survived 4 kidnappings. Thank Goodness Cameron Gamble lived in Redding.

Without all the make-up, I see a woman whose face shows more age that should. She’s not a cigarette smoker, yet her face and body show signs of malnutrition, and maybe a few unhealthy addictions. A person’s face says a lot.
I get that certain people want to protect her. And if it’s true, that she did indeed fake her kidnapping, has eating disorders, additions, and mental health diagnosis, then absolutely she needs professional help and time to heal.
If she committed a crime, we can only TRUST that LE will assess the situation and crime accordingly. Sherri’s case, of disappearance or kidnapping, may go dying in the night.

Rumors of a lot of drama and taking sides in the family due to what happened, is a normal response. Being a unit is more important right now, and it seems some are able to do this. Obviously not all believe her. Pulling the kidnapping away from hoax, and more towards mental illness and addiction takes some of the criminalist liar out of the equation. It draws more sympathy than anger. I feel sorry for her already.

I can’t imagine being at that balloon release and wondering where half the family is, only to find out later that she was back, and no one told them yet. I can imagine that neighbors wouldn’t be the first, but certainly immediate family.
But then again, most of the family didn’t exhibit that urgent, pressing, unknown of ‘Where is my daughter, niece, grandchild, loved one?” Where’s my daughter, where’s mommy? Please help us” …
I know everyone reacts different, but it doesn’t seem like anyone was honestly that worried that she could possibly have been deceased. The family and friends were active on SM in their postings of her, other missing people, and the plea to share her missing post. Everyone was resiliently optimistic that she would return.




Anything less than perfection is failure. ~ Sherri’s Diary (jk)

Between the time that she graduated from Central Valley High School in 2001 and got together with Keith in 2006 in Redding, she moved around to a few different cities, from San Ramon to Huntington Beach….

When she lived in Huntington Beach 10-15 years ago, she told people that she had an ex that kidnapped and beat her.
When she lived in San Ramon 10-15 years ago, she told people that she had an ex that kidnapped and beat her.
When she lived in Redding 10 years ago, 2006, she told people (her in-laws told people?) that she had an ex that kidnapped and beat her.
Now still living in Redding 10 years later 2016, she was kidnapped and beat.

I haven’t found anyone in Costa Mesa, or any other city so far, but that’s 4 times so far!!

Not only did she tell people this in each place she lived, she also had the mysterious ‘heart condition’ that would draw attention. Several people throughout not only her youth, teen years, and adulthood have noted her desire for attention, and the strange ‘’bad heart condition’’ that would suddenly flare up when she probably wasn’t getting attention. Persons in more than one of these cities discussed knowing her and giving those same lies to people.

 I messaged with someone who knew her during the 2001-2006 period when she didn’t live in Redding. If ANY part of our conversation is proved untrue, I will retract.

I messaged this person a few days ago and we’ve had some short text conversations, and I assured this person I wouldn’t identify them, unless they wanted me to. They haven’t said yay or nay on that, so I’m continuing the safe way.

We’ve gone back and forth a few times, and it seems to me that this is a genuine person that knew her, and is willing to answer questions.

As of this very moment that I’m writing this (over the last week), I have not gotten proof of knowing SP, but did get status of how this person knew SP, but considering I discovered OTHER SOURCE, and they did not question me for info, or in any way act like they had something to hide, I assume they’re telling the truth.

OTHER SOURCE had a few things to say about SP when her story first came out.

-        Sherri used that heart condition excuse for sure when OTHER SOURCE knew her, was used in multiple towns, and told to multiple people.

-        Sherri said she had been beat and kidnapped prior to meeting OTHER SOURCE, and that scars she had on her were from these beatings.

-        Very likely suspect BPD based on how she acted when OTHER SOURCE knew her.

-        I messaged OTHER SOURCE and asked if they were someone that knew SP.

They replied that they had closely known her, but not currently in contact.

-        I informed the person that I was researching this story, and anything they could share with me would be greatly appreciated.

-        OTHER SOURCE told me that they were willing to answer questions when the incident occurred, and even received voice mails from people they didn’t know, but never returned them, even though has no problem helping out.

-        OTHER SOURCE found the Skinheadz blog online, printed it out, and confronted SP about it. SP admitted to writing it. They had a hearty discussion about it, and decided to move on and put it in the past.

About the blog – Sherri sister said in US Weekly “The Papini’s are very private people, and don’t post things to the internet”. But Sherri wasn’t a Papini in 2003 when she wrote the blog and her ex husband says it’s MOST LIKELY not her. That reasoning is invalid. (All links in Part 1. Story hasn’t changed)

OTHER SOURCE confirmed printed out story and confronted her.

-        OTHER SOURCE confirmed that prior kidnapping and beating stories had been told to them by SP. That scars she had on her body were from this prior incident. (This part about scars on her from being kidnapped was told to people in at least 2 different towns).

-        I felt bad to read about the hurt and confusion that was brought on by SP. OTHER SOURCE was close to SP, although it’s entirely possible that other people were closer, in different ways.

-        OTHER SOURCE confirmed knew her some time during the 01-06 time period, and did not have many friends in common. Other than those few voicemails that they never returned, I am the first person OTHER SOURCE has talked to about the SP case.

-        I asked about eating habits, or whether they knew her husband David at the time, and a better timeline of when knew her.
-        OTHER SOURCE confirmed that eating out often and her being an excellent cook did not flag OS to suspect an eating disorder. Said that SP ate a lot, often and never gained weight....                  
I am going to interject in the middle of their response to say this; It’s very likely that she was throwing up. Bulimic people are usually not loud ‘vomiters’, as it’s not something they want to draw attention to. If she was suffering from an eating disorder, a rumor dozens of people have said, and then it’s very likely that she was purging, and claiming ability to eat whatever they want and not gain weight.

ALSO, due to possible excessive vomiting over the years, your esophagus becomes stripped over time of its lining, from the stomach bile burning it over and over and over again. Coughing up blood due to screaming on Thanksgiving morning could very well be something that happens easily if she is purging. This is purely speculation.

-        Continuing…. – OTHER SOURCE states that the Boob job rumor is just that, a rumor. Said SP is naturally busty and petite. After some time, SP moved back to Redding, where she was from, and OS would occasionally contact each other by phone or email until it just faded out. A few years ago, OS stated was working in NorCal, and emailed SP. SP stated that she had just had daughter, and that there was complications in the birth on her end.

-        OTHER SOURCE was completely surprised when found out on news, that SP had been married the whole time they knew her. OS and any common friends were not aware of this. OS states that sometimes men in military do so to gain benefits, but is unaware of the reason why SP married him. Either way, OS was unaware that she was married.

-        OS said that SP definitely had issues, and had faked pregnancies, faked kidnappings, and was dramatic in arguing in that SP jumped out of a car at a red light, convincing OS that there was something mentally wrong.

“She faked pregnancies, had supposed heart conditions that required attention from people, and acted very much like someone with BPD now that I know what that is.” OS

If this is all true, then it squashes a few rumors, and adds some in its stead. One thing for sure is known; Sherri Papini isn’t giving any statements. Her family is saying very little, and Law Enforcement hasn’t released evidence findings or a statement themselves in a while. This whole case is mystifying as it is full of holes.
Even verifying the source does not make everything that any one says true. Every part of Sherri Papini’s disappearance up until now, is rumors.

Scientific evidence, forensic technology experts, and DNA are what the truth is in this case.

Analysis is still the same….

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